
  • Current version: 1.2.0, released on August 18th 2012
  • Compatibility: Nautilus (versions 2.22 and up), Caja
  • Released under the GNU LGPL
  • Translations available: English, Spanish, Catalan
  • New releases announced on my site

    Example pop-up menuExample montage of usage

nautilus-follow-symlink is a nautilus extension that adds a menu entry on symbolic links to directories which open the pointed directory (the real path).

It does so both when right clicking on a the folder icon or on the contents of an opened symbolic link.

Starting with version 1.2.0, there's also a variant for nautilus' fork caja (released as caja-follow-symlink).

Additionally the sources include means to produce easily deb, and rpm packages for other OS/architecture combinations.

Generic build instructions

Compile in the standard GNU fashion:

$ tar zxvf nautilus-follow-symlink-1.2.0.tar.gz
$ cd nautilus-follow-symlink-1.2.0
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr # Note the prefix should be the same as nautilus for the translations to work
                            # (or e.g. $ ./configure --prefix=`pkg-config --variable prefix libnautilus-extension`)
$ make
# make install

Build DEB package

$ tar zxvf nautilus-follow-symlink-1.2.0.tar.gz
$ cd nautilus-follow-symlink-1.2.0
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -b 
  (or debuild -us -uc -b)

Build RPM package

$ rpmbuild -tb nautilus-follow-symlink-1.2.0.tar.gz

Versions of GNOME 2.20 and below should use 1.0.2, which is the last release supporting them.
Look in files/ for the appropriate files. Building older versions is a bit harder, refer to the BUILD file included in the tarball.

None so far for the current version.
See also the bug tracker

If you have a contribution (new ideas, fixes, translations…) to make, please contact me.

This is a selection of changes since the last full version.
Additionally the selected changes for all versions and the full changelog are available.

  • Support for GNOME 3
  • Support to compile against Caja instead of Nautilus
  • Bugfix: Correctly escape paths
  • Preliminary support for GNOME 3

© 2006-2012 Toni Corvera <outlyer at>

All dates/times in this page are UTC.
  • nautilus-follow-symlink.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/04/22 21:54
  • by Toni Corvera