====== Revised configuration (Future feature) ======
This is a **draft** of how the new configuration might look. It's also out of sync with the on-going naming/type-safe revamp.
**Nothing here is definitive,** let me know if you have any suggestions.
===== New syntax =====
Up until now the configuration file syntax is vaguely defined, specially when it comes to variables resolution. A new syntax will be introduced with a clearer definition.
==== Standard options ====
i.e. current syntax:
will be a string assignment so
''OPTION=some $value''
will mean ''OPTION'' value is literally ''some $value''
==== Literal value ====
In ''OPTION= value # comment'', ''OPTION'' takes the value "value", trimmed of spaces and without comment.
In ''OPTION=| value # comment|'', ''OPTION'' takes the value " value # comment"
FIXME Support unmatched? (''OPTION=| value # comment'')
==== Inline comments ====
Inline comments will be explicitly allowed, ''#'' can be included in values through the use of Literal assignments (''=|'').
FIXME Maybe also through some escape sequence.
==== Variable resolution ====
In ''OPTION=$value'', ''OPTION'' takes the value "$value", literally.
In ''OPTION=$value$'', ''OPTION'' takes the value of the variable ''$value''.
FIXME Support unmatched? (''OPTION=$value'')
==== Local variables ====
Variables local to a configuration file will be allowed, so that:
Can be simplified as:
FIXME All other syntax changes use modified ''='' syntax with a postfix, might be more efficient to use them too (i.e. ''=:value'' instead of '':=value'')
==== FIXME Delayed variable resolution ====
(Upon consideration) ''OPTION=>$value$'' will take the same value the variable ''$value'' has **when** OPTION is used (i.e. instead of the value it has when the configuration is parsed).
===== New location =====
Currently per-user configuration is located in ''~/.vcs.conf'', it will probably be moved to a dot-directory (candidates are ''~/.vcs'', ''~/.config/vcs'', or maybe ''~/.local/share/vcs'').\\
Also ''/etc/vcs'' for site-wide config.\\
The switch to directories won't be required until some of the features using extra files (like profiles and plugins) are implemented.
Specs for ''~/.local/share'' and ''~/.config'' http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
* ''~/.config'' appears to be an XDG standard and apparently should be limited to standard-specific uses ((http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2004-October/003620.html))